Gateway to Joy in Faith
Weekly Devotionals
The Discipline of the Mind – Part 3
The Christlike mind counts for nothing what the world holds dear and holds as all-important what the world counts for...
Weekly Devotionals
This Is My Classroom
**Today is our second devotional from the series "In the Classroom." How blessed we are to have Elisabeth share her...
Weekly Devotionals
Whatever My Lot
Just after the Arab-Israeli war in 1967, I spent ten weeks in Jerusalem. One afternoon I was invited to have...
Weekly Devotionals
Amy Carmichael, God’s Missionary (Part 1)
**This week we continue our quarterly theme of Elisabeth Elliot’s Heroes of the Faith with Part 1 of 2 on...
Weekly Devotionals
Lilias Trotter
**This week we continue our quarterly theme of Elisabeth Elliot’s Heroes of the Faith. To discover more about Ms. Trotter’s...
Weekly Devotionals
Why Did Jesus Die? – Pt. 2
Continued from last weeks devotional… Ezra the prophet, writing four centuries before Christ, knew nothing, of course, of the Cross,...
Weekly Devotionals
Why Did Jesus Die? – Pt. 1
His popularity with the multitudes aroused jealousy in the teachers of the law. There was much muttering. "He is baptizing and...
Weekly Devotionals
Maybe This Year . . .?
"I hardly know where to start," a recent letter begins. "My story is not one involving men. That's the problem....
Weekly Devotionals
Faith Is Holding Out Your Hand
Sometimes when I was a child my mother or father would say, “Shut your eyes and hold out your hand.” That...
Weekly Devotionals
Hidden Work
Few of us accomplish without delay or interruption what we set out to accomplish. Plans are made, and they fail....
Weekly Devotionals
From Start To Finish
The great witnesses to faith in the eleventh chapter of Hebrews, beginning with Abel, who offered a sacrifice by faith,...
Weekly Devotionals
I Will Not Be Afraid
News reports come every day concerning economic and political calamities about to befall us all, not to mention famines, tornadoes,...
Weekly Devotionals
He Will Find a Place
Uncertainty is surely, for most of us, one of the harder lessons in faith. We look ahead and see only...
Weekly Devotionals
Moonless Trust
Some of you are perhaps feeling that you are voyaging just now on a moonless sea. Uncertainty surrounds you. There...
Weekly Devotionals
Invisible Blessings
Being very much of the earth—earthy—we always want tangible, visible things: proofs, demonstrations, something to latch on to. If we...
Weekly Devotionals
Death Shall Not Hold Us
The power of the Resurrection is a power that vanquishes every other power in heaven or Earth. The battle was...
Weekly Devotionals
A Strange Peace
Shortly before my daughter Valerie, my only child, went off to college as a freshman, a “sudden tide” came over...
Weekly Devotionals
Learning the Father’s Love
When my brother Dave was very small, we spent a week at the seaside in Belmar, New Jersey. In vain...
Weekly Devotionals
How to Discover What God Wants
A young woman came in great perplexity to a Scottish preacher, asking how she could resolve the question of her...
Weekly Devotionals
The Future Is Not Our Province
While a new year offers us a fresh start, it can also bring anxiety. Questions crowd into our minds. Will...
Weekly Devotionals
The World Must Be Shown
When Jesus was speaking with His disciples before His crucifixion, He gave them His parting gift: peace such as the...