Gateway to Joy in Holiness
Weekly Devotionals
The Discipline of the Body, Part Two
The Jerusalem Bible translates it this way: “Think of God’s mercy, my brothers, and worship Him, I beg you, in...
Weekly Devotionals
The Discipline of the Body, Part One
A television commercial shows a man springing out of bed, racing down the stairs, gulping a cup of coffee, snatching up coat...
Weekly Devotionals
Under Orders: Part 2
When I was in college, it was the custom when the yearbook came out to ask one’s friends to autograph...
Weekly Devotionals
The Howard Home
As we conclude this season’s focus on relationships, we share a beautiful portrait of the Howard home, the home of Elisabeth’s...
Weekly Devotionals
Common Courtesy
Talking with a group of seminary students I mentioned that the common rules of courtesy are often overlooked nowadays, especially...
Weekly Devotionals
Where to Begin
To be transformed into the image of Christ, we must know His character, love His obedience to the will of...
Weekly Devotionals
Nothing is Lost
A pastor's wife asked, "When one witnesses a work he has poured his life into 'go up in flames' (especially...
Weekly Devotionals
Interruptions, Delays, Inconveniences
Emily, wife of America's first foreign missionary, Adoniram Judson, wrote home from Moulmein, Burma, in January 1847: "This taking care of...
Weekly Devotionals
How to Discover What God Wants
A young woman came in great perplexity to a Scottish preacher, asking how she could resolve the question of her...
Weekly Devotionals
The Future Is Not Our Province
While a new year offers us a fresh start, it can also bring anxiety. Questions crowd into our minds. Will...
Weekly Devotionals
Discerning the Call of God
As a little girl I especially loved the story of God’s call to the child Samuel as he lay sleeping...
A Strange Peace
Shortly before my daughter Valerie, my only child, went off to college as a freshman, a “sudden tide” came over...