Gateway to Joy in Obedience
Weekly Devotionals
God’s Help for God’s Assignment
Sometimes a task we have begun takes on seemingly crushing size, and we wonder what ever gave us the notion...
Weekly Devotionals
The Discipline of the Mind – Part 2
**Continuing our theme of “In the Classroom”, teachings from our friend, Elisabeth Elliot… We were traveling in a car with...
Weekly Devotionals
This Is My Classroom
**Today is our second devotional from the series "In the Classroom." How blessed we are to have Elisabeth share her...
Weekly Devotionals
A Chance To Die
**This week we continue our quarterly theme of Elisabeth Elliot’s Heroes of the Faith. To be transformed into the image...
Weekly Devotionals
The Same Old Routine
It is sometimes supposed that the Holy Spirit is stifled by order, planning, or routine, and can work only in...
Weekly Devotionals
Gratitude, Part 1
I had a very charming young lady staying with me once who told me this wonderful story about the kind of difference...
Weekly Devotionals
Instant Obedience
“With my own hands I founded the earth, with my right hand I formed the expanse of sky; when I summoned them, they sprang at...
Weekly Devotionals
The Universal Thump
It's so refreshing to find some encouragement to work and to be cheerful and take orders, instead of what is more...
Weekly Devotionals
A Hard Decision, a Hard Discipline
Both Meirwyn and Robert had faced hard decisions, the latter involving marriage or singleness for the sake of the gospel. They waited. They prayed....
Weekly Devotionals
Child-Parent Relations
**Note from Elisabeth: Dan Tompkins, fourteen-year-old son of my dear friend Barb of Tucson, Arizona, wrote this for his school...
Weekly Devotionals
The Discipline of the Body, Part One
A television commercial shows a man springing out of bed, racing down the stairs, gulping a cup of coffee, snatching up coat...
Weekly Devotionals
Discipline: The Answer to God’s Call
As a child in a Christian home, I did not start out with an understanding of the word discipline. I simply knew...
Weekly Devotionals
Take Up the Cross
What must I do to follow One who was crucified? Take up the Cross. What does this mean? The “Cross” is every...
Weekly Devotionals
A Transformed Marriage
Those of you who pray for God's working through my speaking will be glad to know of one who had...
Weekly Devotionals
Called to be holy. If fathers of families could keep ever before their eyes this single high purpose toward which they...
Weekly Devotionals
What Love Does
Everything is an affair of the spirit. If eating and drinking can be done “to the glory of God” (1...
Weekly Devotionals
Lord of Her Lovelife
“I have been married for six weeks," writes a reader, "and I look back to about a year and a...
Weekly Devotionals
Strength for What’s Coming
“You shall observe all that I command you this day, so that you may have strength to enter and occupy...
Weekly Devotionals
This Moment’s Need
The urgency of some matter at hand—a family member ill or rebellious or unemployed or estranged, a sudden disaster, an...
Weekly Devotionals
Something Much Smaller
Has it ever happened with you that you have asked God to show you what He wants done about a...
Weekly Devotionals
Small Change
We have promised the Lord our loyalty and lifelong obedience, “at any cost.” We imagine perhaps having to pay the...
Weekly Devotionals
Sudden Change
Suddenly it happens that a source of life or joy or refreshment is cut off? The supply dries up and...
Weekly Devotionals
A Life’s Work
Few women today are concerned about ironing sheets, but it is still possible to let many other things take precedence...