Gateway to Joy in Prayer
Weekly Devotionals
Talk to God About Everything
If the frightened chirp of a falling sparrow reaches the Throne Room of the Lord of the Universe as the...
Weekly Devotionals
Chronicle of a Soul
I kept a five year diary from high school through college, and began spiritual journals during my senior year in...
Weekly Devotionals
God’s Kingdom, My Reference Point
We conclude our series this week as we continue to fix our hearts and minds on the steadfast sovereignty of...
Weekly Devotionals
Sonnet on Prayer
Lord, what a change within us one short hourSpent in Thy presence will prevail to make;What heavy burdens from our...
Weekly Devotionals
Prayer of St. Augustine
As we celebrate Independence Day in the United States, we offer this sacred prayer espoused by Elisabeth and written by...
Weekly Devotionals
Prayer as Incense
Prayer is compared in the Bible to incense. “Let my prayer be counted as incense before thee,” wrote the psalmist, and the...
Weekly Devotionals
A Simple Statement Suffices
Some of us feel thoroughly inadequate as “pray-ers”. We wish we could pray beautifully and consistently and effectively, and we...
Weekly Devotionals
From my Journal
(I have been keeping some sort of a journal since 1938, often not writing in it every day, but recording events...