What matters in life is that we should stick with the Lord. Where He goes, we follow. When He says halt, we halt. This is how it was with Israel—as He led them all those years in the wilderness of their journey to the Promised Land, they moved when the pillar of cloud and fire moved, and they camped when it stood still. The most amazing thing about that story is the most amazing thing about ours—the Lord of Hosts is with us! The pillar of cloud, visible by day, had fire in it at night, so “the Israelites could see it at every stage of their journey” (Exodus 40:38).
Some stops of our wilderness saga seem very difficult and very lonely. We look in vain for any indication around us that the presence of the Lord is still there. Where has He gone? Did we miss the way? Has He forgotten to be gracious? There is no “pillar” for us. But oh yes, there is—it is His unbreakable Word. Hold on to that. Count on it. Believe it. That is our pillar of the proof of His presence: Be assure, I am with you always, to the end of time” (Matt. 28:20)
That promise, like the wonderful cloud with fire in it, is for every stage of our journey. That means today.
**Excerpt originally published in The Music of His Promises, p. 5.