There is one school of thought which holds that the student ought to be allowed to assemble his own curriculum solely according to his preferences. One can’t help wondering what basis the student has for making such choices. His idea of what he needs to learn is not only greatly limited but also greatly distorted. What he needs is help—from those who know much more than he does.
The teacher’s task of choosing curriculum is a hard one, but she is better equipped to do it than her pupils.
Our Father’s wisdom is perfect, His knowledge all-embracing—not only of what the world contains but of what each of His loved children needs to learn. With intimate understanding of our deepest needs and of our individual capacities He chooses our curriculum. We need only ask, “Give us this day our daily bread, our daily lessons, our homework,” We can count on Him to hear that prayer. Can He count on us to apply ourselves to His curriculum?
Lord, send out Thy light and Thy truth. Let them lead me. Help me to follow.
**Excerpt originally published in The Music of His Promises, p. 179.