So High and So Low

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  • So High and So Low
  • We are prone to consider ourselves too busy (with important things, of course), too qualified (we have gifts, training, experience, responsibilities that few others have), too intelligent, to bother with small things.  We exercise ourselves in matters too high for us, thus missing some of the “low” things God would teach us.  Who are we anyway?  What is this pride of ours?  Consider Him, “who sets his throne so high but deigns to look down so low” (Ps. 113:6).

    He who is truly great is never too great to give attention to the lowly.  He “lifts the weak out of the dust and raises the poor from the dunghill” (v. 7).

    This is what Love does.  It never considers its own greatness or another’s weakness.  Forgetting itself, it gives freely, and gives and gives and gives again.

    **Excerpt originally published in “Guided By God’s Promises”, pg. 149.