As we journey to the Cross in this holy season of Lent, let us with great humility, behold Christ and internalize His great love for us, as demonstrated on the Cross.
Everything Jesus did in His life of obedience to the Father here in our world found its climax on the Cross. There, finally, He proved to the world of men how far He was prepared to go to rescue them. There He showed, once and for all, what love really means. There is no such thing as love that does not embrace suffering and self-sacrifice.
If we think we love someone, let us test that love by asking how far we are prepared to go for that person’s sake.
If we imagine we love the Lord Christ, let us look at His broken and bleeding body hung up with nails and ask if what we call “love” has any of that quality in it. How much? How far will we go? What price will we pay? “Obedient unto death” – is that what we mean by love? It is what He meant. “Love one another as I have loved you,” was His command (John 15:12).
**Excerpt originally found in The Music of His Promises, p. 98