Christian Living|Devotional Life|Encouragement|Hope
Weekly Devotionals
Prayer of St. Augustine
As we celebrate Independence Day in the United States, we offer this sacred prayer espoused by Elisabeth and written by...
Weekly Devotionals
Strength for Anything
Paul writes to the Christians in Philippi about his prison experience, but without any descriptive detail. He might have dwelt on...
Weekly Devotionals
Hidden Work
Few of us accomplish without delay or interruption what we set out to accomplish. Plans are made, and they fail....
Weekly Devotionals
Dwell in Christ, Dwell in Love
I am at sixes and sevenses just now—perplexed by many affairs of business and personalities and social obligations. The Faith I...
Weekly Devotionals
From Start To Finish
The great witnesses to faith in the eleventh chapter of Hebrews, beginning with Abel, who offered a sacrifice by faith,...
Weekly Devotionals
I Will Not Be Afraid
News reports come every day concerning economic and political calamities about to befall us all, not to mention famines, tornadoes,...