Year: 1988

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Why Is God Doing This to Me?

Jan 1, 1988
Almost always the question comes, in one form or another, Why does God do this to me? When I am...

The Ultimate Contradiction

Mar 1, 1988
If resurrection is a fact - and there would be no Easter if it were not - then there is...

A Child’s Obedience

May 1, 1988
A question from a young mother: How can I train my twenty-month-old to come to me? How many times do...

A Man Moves Toward Marriage

Jul 1, 1988
Letters keep coming from both men and women who are in a quandry about how one ought to move toward...

Nevertheless We Must Run Aground

Sep 1, 1988
Have you ever put heart and sould into something, prayed over it, worked at it with a good heart because...

Christmas Is a Thing Too Wonderful

Nov 1, 1988
The truth about Christmas is a thing too wonderful for us. Who can fathom what really tood place first in...