Weekly Devotionals
All a Mistake?
It is easy to conclude, when things turn out badly, that all was a mistake to begin with. The facts...
Weekly Devotionals
A Quiet Heart, Part Two
Purity of heart, said Kierkegaard, is to will one thing. The Son willed only one thing: the will of His...
Weekly Devotionals
A Heart with Skill to Listen
**We continue as students "In the Classroom", as Elisabeth encourages us to cultivate a quiet heart with skill to listen...
Weekly Devotionals
The Song of the Wren
Last summer a pair of dear little wrens moved into the wren house Lars had hung in a small oak...
Weekly Devotionals
Summertime in Strawberry Cove
This week in our new summer series we again invite you to Strawberry Cove in Magnolia, MA ~ Lars and...
Weekly Devotionals
A Letter to Her Parents – March 24, 1950
We are pleased to share with you two of Elisabeth's personal letters to her parents in honor of Mother and Father's...
Weekly Devotionals
Perfect Peace
Amy Carmichael gives a beautiful illustration from nature of perfect peace. The sun bird, one of the tiniest of birds,...
Weekly Devotionals
At Every Stage of the Journey
What matters in life is that we should stick with the Lord. Where He goes, we follow. When He says halt,...
Weekly Devotionals
Look for the Ancient Paths
**As we approach the cross-roads of 2023 and all the decisions it will hold, here is an encouragement from Elisabeth...
Weekly Devotionals
The Universal Thump
It's so refreshing to find some encouragement to work and to be cheerful and take orders, instead of what is more...
Weekly Devotionals
The Gift of Work
The principal cause of boredom is the hatred of work. People are trained from childhood to hate it. Parents often...
Weekly Devotionals
What Love Does
Everything is an affair of the spirit. If eating and drinking can be done “to the glory of God” (1...
Weekly Devotionals
Maybe This Year . . .?
"I hardly know where to start," a recent letter begins. "My story is not one involving men. That's the problem....
Weekly Devotionals
Seek Things That Will Last
The world and the gifts it prizes can be bought with money. Christ and His gifts are priceless. Everything that...
Weekly Devotionals
Strength for Anything
Paul writes to the Christians in Philippi about his prison experience, but without any descriptive detail. He might have dwelt on...
Weekly Devotionals
He Will Find a Place
Uncertainty is surely, for most of us, one of the harder lessons in faith. We look ahead and see only...
Weekly Devotionals
How to Discover What God Wants
A young woman came in great perplexity to a Scottish preacher, asking how she could resolve the question of her...
Weekly Devotionals
The Future Is Not Our Province
While a new year offers us a fresh start, it can also bring anxiety. Questions crowd into our minds. Will...
Weekly Devotionals
An Unusual Christmas Celebration
The work of Amy Carmichael in south India, known as the Dohnavur Fellowship, is still very much alive. Sometimes foreigners help for...
Weekly Devotionals
The World Must Be Shown
When Jesus was speaking with His disciples before His crucifixion, He gave them His parting gift: peace such as the...
At What Price Contentment?
Nothing so hinders us,” said St. Francis de Sales, “as to be longing after something else.” And that longing, that...